Career Advancement Counseling
MHSA – Workforce Education and Training Plan
Take advantage of a new, unique opportunity to explore professional goals and take steps towards furthering your career!
DMH & Contractor Employees Only, Free of charge*
Must be in good standing wi

th current employer; no disciplinary action within the last year.
Must be in current position for at least 2 years.
Currently working in non-clinical positions with a Bachelor’s degree or less (i.e. Clerical, Admin, Financial Workers, Peer Advocates, Parent Advocates, Family Advocates, Case Workers, Rehab Specialists, etc.) within the County of Los Angeles public mental health system (DMH or contracted mental health agencies).
*All consultation sessions to be taken on your own time outside of your work commitment.
Professional career guidance from USC occupational therapists.
Call 323-442-3340 to set up an appointment.