The safety and well-being of our clients and staff is our primary priority and we recognize the importance of our continuing to provide services during this critical time. As a precautionary measure to help slow the spread of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) virus, Tessie Cleveland Community Services Corporation (TCCSC) will close all of our offices to the public effective Tuesday, March 17, 2020. We will continue to be open for business. Your treatment team will continue to provide you and/or your child with services either in the home, field or via remote telecommunication technology.
Protecting our employees and clients
TCCSC is taking other steps to limit exposure to the virus. We have transitioned all group meetings, including DBT, Parent Support, and Family Night to online video meetings via Zoom. We will limit individuals who can come to the office and have established protocols for those who must come in. We have activate disinfection and appropriate quarantine procedures based on recommendations of public health officials. Staff have been informed to follow CDC safety protocols. The safety of our clients and that of our staff is of paramount importance.