The Wraparound process focuses on strength-based planning, which utilizes each family’s strengths to meet identified needs in all aspects of daily life that impacts their functioning. For youth that are unable to live with their parents, the plan is to develop permanent connections for youth, allowing them to live with relatives or other adults who will serve as their life-long supports. Families identify their own vision of what success means for them, and it is the responsibility of the Wraparound teams to support them in achieving their dreams. The Wraparound team identifies the desired outcomes, which ultimately guides the process. Youth referred for wraparound services are those identified as highest needs children in Los Angeles County. TCCSC currently provides services to service planning areas 1, 6, 7 & 8. We receive our referrals for our children and families from Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health, Department of Children and Family Services and Los Angeles County Probation Department.
Wraparound’s goal is to maintain emotionally and behaviorally challenged children with their family and communities in the most normative and least restrictive environment. The program aims to increase the family’s capacity to meet the youth’s special needs and improves the child and family’s functioning across all identified life areas addressed in the families Plan of Care and Safety Plan which include the following Life Domains but are not limited to:

Cultural/religious interests and activities
Social/life skills
Support Services
Wraparound provides the family with support services which can range from 7 days a week (up to 24 hours a day) to once a week, ranging from crisis intervention and advocating for family needs within the Los Angeles Department of Children and Family Services and Los Angeles County Probation Department. Effectiveness of services are continually assessed by the Child and Family Team (CFT). The average length of services for families range from 6-18 months. Wraparound consist of three phases which include the Initial plan development phase, Implementation phase and transition phase. Each phase is identified by the family through the development of their individualized Plan of Care and Safety Plan. The CFT focuses on identifying the youth’s risk/safety concerns, questions/issues ensuring that the family is utilizing all support systems to foster healthy family dynamics, the ability of the family to function independently utilizing skills taught through each phase of treatment. The CFT tracks and monitors the family’s progress through treatment during their weekly CFT meetings. The family’s Wraparound team consists of the following:
Facilitator: Responsible for coordinating services, interventions, linkages and maintaining contact with the CSW and/or Probation Officer on the case.
Child and Family Specialist (CFS): Responsible for teaching appropriate skills, emphasize the importance of the child’s strengths instead of deficits assist with finding needed resources for the youth and family.
Parent Partner: Assist Parents/Caregivers with finding a balance between reinforcing accountability and accommodation of the family member’s actions, support families as peers with a common background and history and utilize parent expertise in specific needs and patterns of the child.

Formal Supports
Wraparound emphasizes the development and use of formal supports ( i.e Children social workers, Probation officers, CFT members) and informal supports (i.e Family members, peers, churches) within the community. Community involvement is essential to the needs of children and families. Wraparound focuses on keeping children at home with their families and in their local communities. The goal for every family within wraparound are that they have a:
Voice: Parent should feel they a voice in decisions that are made about their child and family.
Access: The child and parent/caregiver should have access to the services needed to meet their needs
Ownership: The family agrees with the plan and is committed to meeting their goals.