We are excited to announce our new Riverside office located at 3576 Arlington Ave, Suite 100, Riverside CA 92506. The new location will provide counseling services to children ages 0-21. We will continue the agency’s philosophy of “services without walls”, providing services whenever and wherever convenient for the family.
Targeted population: is full scope Medi-Cal eligible individuals 0 up to 21 years of age
Providing services to children with severe emotional and behavioral problems. Services include psychiatric evaluations, medication services, individual and family therapy, and case management services. Staff works closely with schools to provide services to students who experience academic problems as a result of their severe emotional problems. Parent partners offer support and advocacy services to parents whose children are receiving services.
Services will be provided to youth who reside in the Western Region of Riverside County with a primary focus in the city of Riverside, particularly the communities of Casa Blanca, Eastside and Arlanza.
Spanish parenting Group
Meets: Once a week Thursday for 10 weeks
Time: 5:30PM-6:30PM
Purpose: To teach positive parenting strategies for caregivers
with children up to 12 years old.
Limited childcare will be available.
DBT Group
Meets: Every Tuesday
Ages: 14-18
Meets: Every Wednesday (parents accompany child. Spanish translation available)
Ages: 9-13
Purpose: focuses on improving interpersonal relationships, quality of living, self soothing techniques, and accepting radical changes outside of ones control

Riverside County Guide to Medi-cal Mental Health Services Handbook
You can view the handbook as a PDF HERE
Puede ver el manual como un PDF AQUÍ
Medi-cal Beneficiary Handbook
All clients can access Riverside County’s Guide to Medi-Cal Mental Health Services by clicking here
Beneficiary Handbook Spanish
Appeal Grievance Procedure Booklet Spanish
Policy Manuals
Administrative Policy Manual
Manual del beneficiario de Medi-cal
Nuestros clientes pueden acceder a la Guía de servicios de salud mental de Medi-Cal del condado de Riverside haciendo clic aquí
Beneficiary Handbook
Appeal Grievance Procedure Booklet
Mental Health Contracted Provider Manual 2023
Clinical Policy Manual