Help Raise Money for Meals for Seniors
With your donation, you'll be able to provide 20 meals to older adults in the South Los Angeles community. You'll be able to help us in working to make sure our most vulnerable populations didn’t go without!
Over 5,000 FREE nutritious meals were served to OLDER ADULTS in the #SouthLosAngeles community since the start of the #COVID19 pandemic. We worked hard to make sure our most vulnerable populations didn’t go without. We need your help to continue providing the much needed #mealservice program, but we cannot do it without YOUR HELP!

Tessie Cleveland's Story
TCCSC is the leading community-based non-profit that is dedicated to empowering the LA community living with mental illness and promoting the positive growth of all citizens.
We have served over 10,000 underprivileged LA residents to bring hope and harmony into their lives. Our programs are designed to help people of all ages overcome the mental and physical health obstacles they face.

Donate To Our Mental Health Program And Help Our LA Community Create A Better Tomorrow
Nearly 1 in 5 Los Angeles residents live with mental illness. Our mission is to empower them to live happy and productive lives.
Your donation today is an investment in our innovative programs inspired by the empowering life and social work of Tessie Cleveland. These programs brighten the future for underprivileged LA residents by enabling them to experience positive growth both socially and emotionally while empowering self-expression and confidence to do fun and useful tasks.
The Services We Provide
We are working to end many of the issues that are caused by untreated mental illness in LA and support people building better lives. Our services include:

Therapeutic behavioral services for youth with emotional or mental health challenges

Wraparound services focused on developing the family’s capacity to meet the youth’s needs

Senior wellness support by providing community resources, and necessary mental health treatment

Evidence based practices service anyone between the ages of 0 and 21 that have no history of mental health illness.

Outpatient treatment services for children and adolescents that are facing everyday problems and issues.

Full service partnership is an intensive mental health treatment program for children/transitional age youth ages 0 to 25

All the services that we have received and are currently receiving have been great. All the improvements that Marques has made, makes us happy and proud. I really enjoy our Case Manager and the Therapist that has been helping my family since day one. We could not have gotten this far without her.
- Janelle
What Our Clients Have To Say:
The Impact Of Your Donations
Your donations are critical to the furtherment of our mission to serve, uplift, and empower underserved LA residents

Make A Contribution That Matters. Donate Now.
Tessie Cleveland Community Services Corp. is dedicated to improving the quality of life for all of the nearly 20% of LA residents who suffer from mental illness.
Support our mission at TCCSC by donating now. Every contribution helps an individual in LA that needs our services.
What do donations at TCCSC help with?Your donation helps provide behavioral health services to children, adolescents, adults, older adults and families.
Why should I donate?To help TCCSC give children and families opportunities for growth, development, self-sufficiency and reliance through innovative programming.
What type of services do you provide?Primarily mental health and substance abuse prevention
How will my donation help?Helps TCCSC provide clients with out-of-box programs to help with their therapy such as culinary, pottery, quilting, and cycling classes
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